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Creating a new autoresponse

Create a new autoresponse by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar.

Specify a name for it on the first page. It can be any name you find convenient.

You will have to specify the mailbox parameters on the second page that Atomic Email Autoresponder will check. Here you should specify the address of the POP3 server, the username and password.

You can also specify periods for checking mail. The recommended value is 30 seconds. You can make this interval shorter if you want to minimize the autoresponse time.

If the "Delete mail after reading" checkbox is selected, Atomic Email Autoresponder will automatically delete all messages on the server after reading them. Other programs will not be able to access them in this case. In case you want to configure the program for your personal mailbox (or a mailbox working with Outlook), it will be better if you leave this checkbox cleared. Messages will remain on the server in this case.

You should specify the autoresponse delivery parameters on the third and last page of the New Autoresponse wizard. Here you should specify the SMTP server for autoresponse delivery. It is recommended to use the SMTP server of your ISP.

Use the FROM field to specify the e-mail address from which autoresponses will be sent to users. It is recommended to use such an address that it will be convenient to reply to it by clicking the Reply button in a mail client.

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